One of the best-loved books for entrepreneurs is The E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber. In the book, he tells the story of a woman who always dreamed of owning a pie shop. She wanted nothing more than to spend her days doing what she loved and seeing her customers enjoy her pies. But once she […]
Read MoreIf you are running a business, it’s easy to prioritize estate planning less than your other business matters. After all, if you’re facing challenges meeting next month’s payroll or your goals for growth over the coming quarter, concerns over your potential incapacity or death can seem far less urgent. But the reality is considering what […]
Read MoreYou’ve most likely dedicated significant time and energy to creating a vision for your business, executing that vision, and even writing up a detailed business plan for the growth of your business. Yet far fewer business owners put the same effort into planning for their company’s continued success following their retirement, incapacity, or death. However, […]
Read MoreIf you dream of one day leaving your company to your family, but you haven’t properly included your business in your estate plan, that dream could become a nightmare for your heirs—and for your partners, team members, and clients, too. In fact, properly planning for what would happen to your business upon your death or […]
Read MoreIf you have yet to put in place an estate and succession plan for your business, you’re going to leave the people you love most—your clients, your customers, your team, and your family—in the lurch when something happens to you. And while that probably won’t be tomorrow, it could be. We get it—there are plenty […]
Read MoreOn September 13, 2021, Democrats in the House of Representatives released a new $3.5 trillion proposed spending plan that includes a wide array of changes to federal tax laws. Specifically, the Democrats have proposed a number of significant tax increases and other changes to fund the plan, including increases to personal income tax rates and […]
Read MoreIn April 2018, billionaire Matthew Mellon flew by private jet to Cancun Mexico to check himself into drug rehab to deal with his addiction to opioid pain pills. But the 54-year-old heir to the Mellon Bank dynasty never made it to the rehab facility and was found dead in his hotel room after suffering an […]
Read MoreChoosing the person to take over your business after you exit isn’t about selecting someone who’s exactly like you or even selecting someone you like. The most important thing is that you choose someone who’s not only well-qualified for the role, but who also has the vision and skills to lead your company into the […]
Read MoreAlthough you can invest in many different types of insurance to protect your business from lawsuits and other liabilities, one of the greatest liabilities you simply can’t avoid, especially if you are the sole owner of your business, is your incapacity or death. To make certain that your business—and the income it generates for your […]
Read MoreAs a business owner, your family members aren’t the only ones who could be devastated by your death. Should something happen to you, your team, partners, and clients could all face disastrous consequences. To address this risk, you should seriously consider investing in life insurance. As we pointed out in a previous post, having the […]
Read MoreIntellectual Property (IP) is an integral part of many of today’s companies’ overall value. Indeed, studies show that up to 80% of the value of a typical business is IP, and as of 2020, more than 84%—$19 trillion—of the S&P 500’s market cap is represented by intangible assets like IP. However, even the biggest corporations […]
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