Industry Focus: Family Businesses, Estate Planning for Business Owners
Licensed In: Texas, USA
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Contact NowYou are BUSY! Busy chasing kids. Busy caring for elderly parents. Busy running your business. You are working to keep all your plates safely spinning while trying to build your own nest egg for a lifetime of support. I know that you want to make the best decisions for your loved ones - to be assured they are cared for. Your want to ensure your business details managed well. Importantly, you desire to leave a legacy - something far more valuable than money alone.
There's nothing like the feeling of confidence that you’ve made the right choices and you know that you aren’t leaving behind a mess when something happens. But how can you know? That's my focus. Together, we will purposefully plan, for your loved ones and for your business, so you can focus on living a life that leaves a lasting legacy.
Whether it's virtual, in person, or over the phone, I look forward to speaking with you!
As trusted advisors for your family and your business, we help you: Protect your family & estate Plan your business and Preserve your legacy